About me

About me

After previous vocational training and the birth of my daughter in 2002, I decided in 2005 to pursue a new career path and completed my DNII nursing training in 2009.

Little by little I discovered my interest in complementary medicine. In search of a suitable method for me, I decided to start training as a lymphatic therapist, which I completed in 2012 and received EMR recognition, which enables me to bill most supplementary insurance companies.

The combination of my job as a nursing specialist and lymphatic therapist increased my interest in wound treatment and so I completed further training as a wound expert SAfW in 2014. Since 2015 I have been full-time, currently working 60% of the time as a wound expert in a hospital.

From 2013 I learned the Hawaiian oil massage Lomi Lomi Nui at the Lomi Academy in Berlin.

This wonderful massage and the philosophy behind it helps us to delve deeper into our inner world, to relax and to promote our well-being.

This seems to me to be a valuable way to slow down and recharge your batteries in these fast-moving times.

I am happy to dedicate myself to manual lymphatic drainage and Lomi Lomi Nui one day a week in my freelance work.

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