Treatments/ Prices

Manual lymphatic drainage KPE

What is KPE manual lymphatic drainage?

Manual lymphatic drainage is a gentle, rhythmic "massage technique" that can be used to eliminate lymphatic congestion (excessive accumulation of fluid) in the tissue.

KPE stands for "complex physical decongestion therapy" and includes, if necessary, professional bandaging in the decongestion phase, which, if necessary, is a prerequisite for later custom-made stockings (maintenance phase).

Field of application/ indications:

    Secondary lymphedema (after surgery, radiation, injuries, inflammation, after tumor treatment/removal of lymph nodes) Primary lymphedema (hereditary) Vein disorders (chronic venous insufficiency, varicose veins, venous leg ulcers, heavy legs) Swelling after all types of operations Wound healing disorders in combination with local swelling Injuries (sprains, Strains, bruises)After cervical spine distortion trauma (whiplash)Rheumatic diseases (with joint swelling, soft tissue rheumatism, fibromyalgia, CRPS complex regional pain syndrome such as Sudeck's disease, etc.)Swelling in neurological diseases (MS, paralysis, etc.)Headaches and migrainesSkin diseases such as acne and neurodermatitisFor faster Regression of hematomasTo strengthen the immune systemSupports congestion in legs and arms during pregnancySupports decongestion and purification of the tissue when fasting/during a meal Diet changeFor relaxation, hyperactivity and sleep disorders


· Acute infections

· Heart failure

· Renal insufficiency

· Thrombosis with risk of embolism

Costs: 120 CHF/ 60 min. (Will be covered by most supplementary insurances under the EMR method 111)

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